Individual Therapy & Coaching

Living and working in a flow!
Would you like to explore your personal questions in a safe environment?
And do you recognise yourself in one or more of the following points:

  • You feel you have lost yourself.
  • You are experiencing difficulties at work.
  • You have lost the balance between your private life and work.
  • You are having problems at home or at work.
  • You are having trouble taking decisions.
  • You feel you are becoming stressed or are experiencing a burnout.
  • Questions regarding the meaning for life: you ponder. You don’t know what you want.
  • You are dealing with mourning or are having trouble letting go and accepting certain matters.
  • A lack of self-confidence or you have the tendency to overestimate yourself.
  • Struggling with yourself isn’t something you want. Finding the right balance is what you need to feel good in life What this requires is self-knowledge and the ability to view things from a different angle. With regard to individual coaching, we deal with your questions in great detail. With a programme personally aimed at you with clear objectives.

On a deeper level
During the coaching session we often end up on a deeper level by asking , for instance, the following questions:

Are you living the life you want or are you being led by your daily duties?

  • Do you dare to be yourself or are you mainly concerned with what others think of you?
  • Do you dare to follow your own path in life or are you living the life of someone else?
  • Do you remain in control or do you dare to let yourself go?
  • Do you trust yourself or are you held back by anxiety and uncertainty?
  • Do you dare to leave the future open or do you tend to hammer it shut?
  • Do you dare to open your heart or do you tend to withdraw?
  • Do you feel that you have processed any traumatic experiences properly?

At the end project we have the following image:
You are living and working in a wonderful flow in which you live from your passion and inner freedom and in which you are not rattled and led by fear. In which you can be in the here and now and are not constantly living in the future or the past. In which you experience vitality and life force and can fully be yourself without conditions…

You probably do not fully experience this result at the end of the talks, but the faith in yourself that you can do this and will achieve it will strongly develop in you.

An average pathway entails four to 12 talks depending on your questions and subjects. If you are in a crisis or you want fast results, choose for the three-day Individual Retreat.

More information
Do not hesitate to email or call us for information or a free introductory talk. We will be happy to talk to you.

Robert Stamboliev MA
Schumanlaan 7A
1862 AA Bergen-NH
The Netherlands
M: +31 6 51 60 77 58