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Voice Dialogue Summer Academy, Italy

Intermediate and Advanced levels training for professionals. 

July 4 – 12 2025

Varese, Italy – with Robert Stamboliev, Ozlem Sarioglu, Madeleine Matzer and staff

Inclusive of E-Learning package worth € 995,00

A lot has happened since our first summer program in 1983. Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves have become increasingly popular in the world. It is gratifying to see the work spreading into many areas, such as business coaching and training, systems of body work, spiritual disciplines, and a variety of approaches to therapy and counselling. Inner Critics, the Inner Child, Pushers, Pleasers and many other similar terms have become household words.

As wonderful as this is, the downside is that the work can become superficial, and that it loses the connection with the Psychology of Selves and Transformational Psychology from which it derives.

In the Voice Dialogue Summer Academy you will be working creatively with Voice Dialogue and the underlying principles of the work and deepening the connection with its roots, the Psychology of Selves and transformational psychology.

These basic axiom’s are described in the International Voice Dialogue Agreement.

As much as possible, we want to support a sense of an ongoing movement towards excellence as we each continue to develop in our personal process and continue to develop and expand towards excellence in our professional work.

Our intention is to create a conference that is inspiring and a safe vessel for all the processes that will take place. A magical space that is facilitating for all present to take the next step.

For whom

The program is suitable both for experienced Voice Dialogue practitioners who work on a Masters Level, as well as for professionals who want to get the know the work and are interested in learning more about it.

By working in different level sub-groups led by different trainers each participant can learn on his or her own level.

This program is very suitable for people who prefer to follow such a longer program, once or twice, rather than various  shorter training blocks over a longer period. The Voice Dialogue Summer Academy thus offers an alternative route to registration in the Register Master of Transformational Psychology. You can read more about this at the end of this page.


Participants have already followed a basic training Voice Dialogue and have received at least one individual session by an experienced facilitator.

Recommendation by Hal and Sidra Stone
We are absolutely delighted to recommend this wonderful program: ITP’s Voice Dialogue Summer Academy!

Robert Stamboliev sponsored our major international Voice Dialogue conferences ever since 1983. We thoroughly enjoyed working with him for twenty-five years and have the fondest memories of our times together. Robert really knows how to bring together a wonderful group and create a meaningful and deeply satisfying experience for all – and we know how difficult this can be! The venues he chose were magnificent, and the content and planning deeply satisfied the needs of the body, the mind and the soul for those who attended.

And now he is going forward; Robert is taking the next step – with the accumulated experience of many years, he is inspiring the next generation of seekers in its journey of transformation. And a most fascinating journey it is! Robert has always understood that the Voice Dialogue process provides an amazing vehicle for the voyage of transformation but he has never confused the Voice Dialogue process and the Psychology of Selves with the Journey itself. He has always been connected to the magic as well as the form of the work and we can guarantee that your experience will be varied, rich, and soulful.

This newest international training seems aptly named: The Voice Dialogue Summer Academy. The only sadness we have is that we can’t be there with all of you sharing in this experience. But – after so many years of participating with Robert in these programs – you may be sure that, even though we will not be there in person, we will join you in spirit.

Our very best wishes to all of you!

Hal and Sidra Stone

Recommendations by participants

I couldn’t have wished for more competent, experienced and wise guides as Robert, Miriam and Ozlem in this beautiful environment in Italy. With wisdom, humor, perspective and years of experience they seem to find it quite natural to invoke magic.” – Niels Smit Duyzenkunst 

These days made it possible for me to love myself in all my aspects, even my self-criticism and frightening and vulnerable parts. So now I feel closer to myself by being more openly related to my selves. – Dinja van Gestel 

Upfront I thought: “Is this not too woolly for me”, not a dramatic person myself. And at the same time: “What will happen if I surrender myself to it, how deep will this go and can I handle that”. It turned out to be such a wonderful process. Came out what wanted to come out, very authentic in a very gentle way. – Hedy Heijting 

We worked with the theory, did exercises, sharing and we worked with intentions. This combination helped to transform the work into a personal journey(…) Being a therapist myself I have not before experienced a therapy form in a comparable intensity, energetically or emotionally as with Voice Dialogue.  – Gert Haringsma 


The program

Underlying focus: personal transformation
As is always the case, our primary focus is the personal development of each participant. Everything that we have planned for the training has this goal in mind.

Participants will have ample opportunity to work on their own transformational process. Sessions with staff are an important part of the program. As a preparation for the program you are asked to reflect on transformations in your life and at the conference you will have the opportunity to deeply explore this.

Training in Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology
It is the transformational process that makes the work with Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves so fascinating and inspiring. When transformation takes place it gives us a sense of magic and communion. It is deeply satisfying. Transformation means for us a deep and lasting energetic change. This transformation can take place in individuals, couples, and in groups.

So what are the transformational aspects of Voice Dialogue? For us this remains a topical question, essential and important to keep the work alive. The body of knowledge of transformational psychology as developed over the years will be presented and training will be offered. The theme of Transformation will be explored from different angles and using different techniques.

This covers the Aware Ego process, Bonding Patterns and Partnering Relationships, the Architecture of Dreams, Deepening of Voice Dialogue Skills and Energetics, Archetypes and Transpersonal work. Also there will be training in Voice Drama, Vision Work, Body Mind Dialogue, Artwork.



Archetypes – deepening the experience
Working with archetypal energy patterns goes beyond the work on the personal level. A deeper layer in our psyche will get activated and the movement of energy will increase. We will work with Voice Dialogue, but also with creative techniques such as dance, movement, mask making, rituals.

What will be particularly emphasised in the Voice Dialogue training, is the so-called ‘stretching’ of the energy patterns. We call this technique also the Yin-Yang principle. In this way one can go from the experience of the subpersonality to that of the underlying archetype, which results in a stronger and more vital flow of energy. This is essential in the facilitation process and a prerequisite for real transformation.

Meditation room – accessing ‘the field’ through an Aware Ego
Is transformation of consciousness possible? In many of the developments to access the spiritual dimension that are taking place in the world Voice Dialogue techniques are being used to constellate particular energy states, like Compassion or the Higher Mind. This is a legitimate way to use the knowledge of the psychology of selves. It is simply not the ‘real’ Voice Dialogue unless the Aware Ego process is the focal point of the work. To answer the question what Voice Dialogue has to do with spiritual development we need a clear and precise focus on this issue. A deeper understanding and clarification is possible. In the program we will pay attention to this and also look at Big Mind work and transpersonal dialogue. In addition we will present a newly developed approach by our research group in Holland that seems to be compatible with our principles: a way to connect with ‘the field’ through an Aware Ego.



Dreams – awakening the dream weaver
Nowhere is the power of the unconscious seen with such authority and profusion as in the dream process that generates at a conference like this one.

In addition to our generic work with dreams during the conference, we will also be looking at the architecture of the dream process. For example, when we are separating from a primary self and embracing a disowned self, what is the structure of the dream process that supports and reflects this change? Along with this we will look at what constitutes an Aware Ego dream so we can be alerted to this kind of dream and why it is coming at a particular time.

Relationships – transforming your relationships
We will be reviewing the essential ingredients that constitute Partnering relationships. Partnering does not simply apply to a primary relationship. It is a consciousness that applies to all of our relationships. As a part of this examination of Partnering we will, of course, be re-visiting our old friends, the bonding patterns.

If you are interested to work with this, please bring to this conference one or more of problematic relationships and set an intent to work through the bonding patterns that have held you prisoner and that you like to transform.

Facilitation training – deepening of Voice Dialogue skills
The work in this area will go on in three different ways. First, there will be sessions set aside for participants facilitating each other. There will be staff available to help supervise these facilitations if you wish to have supervision.

Secondly, there will be a number of facilitations by senior people and you will have the opportunity of watching different facilitators doing the work. It is our hope that these “master classes” will provide new ideas and new inspiration for you in deepening your own work.

Thirdly, there will be training in Energetics. We feel that the ability to work with Energetics is crucial to the development of an Aware Ego process.

Artwork gives us the opportunity to express ourselves creatively. It enables us to work on a symbolic and meditative level and helps us to further explore and deepen the themes we are dealing with. The atelier will be available throughout the program.

One of the real advantages of such a program is the tremendous field of energy that is activated. This energy field acts synergistically to enhance the consciousness process of each participant.

Presentations – latest developments
The Voice Dialogue work and the Psychology of Selves have already moved out into the world and are being used in many ways and a variety of settings. This program is, in part, a celebration of the impact of the work we have all been doing.  Topics can include the fields of coaching, training, therapy, psychiatry, creativity, art, science and business.

An international staff of senior teachers and facilitators who can work free of form yet with depth. They have integrated the Voice Dialogue work and can use it freely, they think out-of-the-box and have developed new forms – often in combination with other approaches – and new applications. Some of them have created their own centres. They will be facilitating and teaching their specialties. We are happy to welcome them here. Their number will be related to the number of participants.

Particpants to this course receive E-Learning packages Principles an Facilitation for free!
As a preparation these can be studied before the start of the course.

The following books are recommended to read before the start of the program:

  • Embracing Our Selves by Hal and Sidra Stone Ph.D.
  • Partnering by Hal and Sidra Stone Ph.D.
  • The Energetics of Voice Dialogue by Robert Stamboliev MA.

Study load

  • The program takes 8 days (64 hours).


  • Participants who start with little or no experience with Voice Dialogue will be able to give Voice Dialogue sessions at the end of the program and have a good understanding of the principles of Transformational Psychology.
  • Participants who can already work on a Master – level can acquire here the additional training to become Master in Transformational Psychology. They need to have followed in total 36 days of training in Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology (including 3 days of training in psychopathology). Next to this they need to pass an exam. With good results they can be added to the Register Master of Transformational Psychology – MTP and receive the corresponding logo.
  • On a personal level participants will experience a proces of deep transformation.


  • NIP: 32 PE points
  • ICF: 18 CCE points
  • EMCC/NOBCO: 11 PE points

More information
For more information please contact Robert Stamboliev by mail or telephone +31 6 51607758

Practical information

July 4 – 12, 2025 

The schedule
On the first day we will start at 3:00 pm. The last day ends with lunch at 1:00 pm.
We will follow a mediteranean schedule with longer lunch break. After 4 days there is a day for integration.

First day:
3.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Middle days:
9:30 am – 1:00 pm –
lunch break
4.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Last day:
9:30 am – 1:00 pm –

The program consists of (1) teaching sessions, (2) Voice Dialogue sessions by staff and facilitation under supervision, (3) workshops and presentations.

The training is residential and will be held at Villa Cagnola, a beautiful estate at the Lago di Varese, north of Milano. Villa Cagnola consists of a monumental building date back to the XVIII century and of a modern congress center. It is situated in a park with rare species of plants and trees (86 acres, 35 hectare). Villa Cagnola can also boast the prestigious “Collezione Cagnola” in the museum on the grounds. Located on the valley of the Varese lake, with a wonderful view on the Alps, close to the railways, the highway, the international airport of Milan Malpensa it’s the ideal/perfect place for our meeting.




Training fee

  • € 2.225,-

For students reduction is sometimes possible. Contact our office if you like to apply for a reduction.

Accommodation costs

July 4 – 11, 2025

  • Single occupancy € 1085,- (including room and all meals).
  • Double occupancy € 975, – (including room and all meals).

An extra night at the end of the program can be booked for € 99,-.

During your registration please let us know your preference for a single or double room. In case of a double room, please let us know the name of your partner.

Payment conditions
A down-payment of € 600,- has to be made upon registration. The remaining fee and accommodation costs are due before February 1st, 2025.

Cancellation policy
In derogation of the ITP terms and conditions in case of cancellation until December 1st, 2024 € 600,- will be charged, until February 1st, 2025 € 1200,- will be charged. After that date there will be no refunds possible, unless you can find a replacement.

Terms and conditions and the ITP code
The ITP terms and conditions, as well as the ITP c
ode, apply to all of our trainings.

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