Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP

Presentation of the register
The Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP is an international quality register of psychologists, therapists, coaches and trainers who successfully completed the specialist two-year therapeutic specialization course Voice Dialogue & Transformational Psychology.

With this they have proved to meet the requirements of the Institute for Transformational Psychology for professional facilitators. They have proven that they command the principles, techniques and subjects used in Transformational Psychology, and are able to professionally facilitate and treat the transformational processes of their clients. In addition, they are aware of their own possibilities and limits.

Corresponding logo
Once included in the register, these facilitators are allowed to include the abbreviation MTP behind their name. They are allowed to use the corresponding logo on, for instance, a website, stationary, promotional material, etc.

The name Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP, with logo is registered at the Benelux – Office for Intellectual Property and the international brand register World Intellectual Property Organisation.

The register 
Psychologists, coaches, trainers and therapists who are registered in the register receive a personal profile page on this site, making them easy to find for customers and clients.

Examination Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP
To be eligible for registration in the Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP, participants must have attended both the Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology Year Training and the Master Year. At the end of this two-year program, it is possible to take an exam, which, upon successful completion, provides registration in the MTP Registry.

If candidates to this exam have taken Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology courses other than ITP’s annual and master years, the exam committee will make an assessment as to whether the required competencies have been acquired. If this is not the case, the exam committee will clearly indicate what is still needed before taking this exam.

This exam consists of two elements:

  1. Practical exam: In the practical exam, the student clearly demonstrates in a counseling session the ability to apply the principles of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology as a therapist/coach. Important assessment criteria are that the student makes contact in the here-and-now, can both lead and follow, uses experiential Voice Dialogue techniques and stays out of countertransference. The student demonstrates this through a film or video recording from his/her own practice. If the student wishes, this can also be done ‘in-vivo’ with an outside client or with one of the fellow students as a client.
  2. Master’s thesis: With the master’s thesis, the student demonstrates in a substantiated way that he/she has added value within the field of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology, by presenting the principles of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology in a form appropriate for the student. This could be, for example, an article, a book, a podcast or a video. The master’s thesis meets a pre-validated practice-based research design, which clearly reveals the area within transformational psychology to which the master’s thesis applies, why it has added value within the field, and how the added value within the field is demonstrated. If the master’s thesis has a sufficiently high level of quality, we will place your master’s thesis in our knowledge centre and distribute it to our network. 

The candidate indicates that he/she wishes to take the examination in order to be enrolled in the MTP register. If it is determined that the candidate meets the requirements, the candidate will be assigned an exam supervisor. The candidate indicates in which area of transformational psychology the master’s thesis applies, why it has added value within the field and how this added value will be demonstrated. The candidate also indicates a planning direction. The exam supervisor gives a go/no go on the research design. After the final product is delivered, it is assessed by two examiners; the first examiner is not yet involved in this process, the second examiner is the candidate’s exam supervisor. The final product is assessed according to the assessment form examination registry MTP and in case of an assessment of sufficient or higher grading, the candidate is credited in the MTP registry.

Examination Board
The examination committee consists of a minimum of two ITP teachers. Exam candidates are informed in advance who the examiners are.

Click here for the exam regulations.

Examination costs
The examination fee is € 195. For any re-examination, these costs will be charged again.

If you already have questions or want to enroll in the register please contact us:
T: +31 6 51607758

In the future, the register will change into an independent foundation that is still to be established.