Start next course: February 5, 2025
Includes E-Learning package worth € 995,00!
This two-year specialist and vocational professional training comprises the Basic Year and Master Year of Voice Dialogue & Transformational Psychology. Both years can also be followed separately.
The objective of the training course is learning to apply and master the adopted principles of Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology. Participants learn to coach clients with a variety of questions in their personal transformation process, in an individual as well as in a group setting. Participants become aware of their own abilities and limitations.
For whom?
The training course is suitable for experienced process guides (psychologists, therapists, coaches and trainers). They all at least successfully completed a thorough basic training course and have at least two year’s of work experience.
Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP
Participants who, after the two-year training course, want to be added to the Register Master of Transformational Psychology, and want to use the abbreviation MTP with the corresponding logo, must take a theoretical and practical exam at the end of the Master Year. Inclusion in the register on this website is then possible, where your personal profile page will make you easy to find for potential clients.
Examination Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP
To be eligible for registration in the Register Master of Transformational Psychology, MTP, participants must have attended both the Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology Year Training and the Master Year. At the end of this two-year program, it is possible to take an exam, which, upon successful completion, provides registration in the MTP Registry.
If candidates to this exam have taken Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology courses other than ITP’s annual and master years, the exam committee will make an assessment as to whether the required competencies have been acquired. If this is not the case, the exam committee will clearly indicate what is still needed before taking this exam.
This exam consists of two elements:
- Practical exam: In the practical exam, the student clearly demonstrates in a counseling session the ability to apply the principles of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology as a therapist/coach. Important assessment criteria are that the student makes contact in the here-and-now, can both lead and follow, uses experiential Voice Dialogue techniques and stays out of countertransference. The student demonstrates this through a film or video recording from his/her own practice. If the student wishes, this can also be done ‘in-vivo’ with an outside client or with one of the fellow students as a client.
- Master’s thesis: With the master’s thesis, the student demonstrates in a substantiated way that he/she has added value within the field of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology, by presenting the principles of Voice Dialogue and transformational psychology in a form appropriate for the student. This could be, for example, an article, a book, a podcast or a video. The master’s thesis meets a pre-validated practice-based research design, which clearly reveals the area within transformational psychology to which the master’s thesis applies, why it has added value within the field, and how the added value within the field is demonstrated. If the master’s thesis has a sufficiently high level of quality, we will place your master’s thesis in our knowledge centre and distribute it to our network.
The candidate indicates that he/she wishes to take the examination in order to be enrolled in the MTP register. If it is determined that the candidate meets the requirements, the candidate will be assigned an exam supervisor. The candidate indicates in which area of transformational psychology the master’s thesis applies, why it has added value within the field and how this added value will be demonstrated. The candidate also indicates a planning direction. The exam supervisor gives a go/no go on the research design. After the final product is delivered, it is assessed by two examiners; the first examiner is not yet involved in this process, the second examiner is the candidate’s exam supervisor. The final product is assessed according to the assessment form examination registry MTP and in case of an assessment of sufficient or higher grading, the candidate is credited in the MTP registry.
Examination Board
The examination committee consists of a minimum of two ITP teachers. Exam candidates are informed in advance who the examiners are.
Click here for the exam regulations.
Examination costs
The examination fee is € 195. For any re-examination, these costs will be charged again.
If you already want more substantive information about the exam, please contact Robert Stamboliev: T: +31 6 51607758
Reaction Hilde Zuurman – Homan, relationship therapist
I chose this training course very consciously. The approach, methods and techniques used are clear and diagnostic while working with it simultaneously creates unprecedented depth due to the major energetic aspect. With amazement, I experienced how Voice Dialogue, focusing, visualisations, dreams and daydreams, breathing techniques, body work, constellation work, relation work, creative methods, etcetera, are perfectly integrated in a beautiful way.
Perhaps even more importantly: I am now increasingly experiencing the ability to consciously think in polarities and act from an Aware Ego, as an approach to life rather than the use of a method. A life-chancing training in both professional and personal level!
The program consists of 36 training course days.
Basic year English:
Block 1 – 3 days: Voice Dialogue basics, Inner Critic and Vulnerability
Block 2 – 3 days: Facilitation training, Energy management
Block 3 – 3 days: Faciliation training and Relationship Dynamics
Block 4 – 4 days: Facilitation and Instinctive energy patterns
Block 5 – 4 days: Facilitation and the Unconscious, working with Dreams
Block 6 – 1 day: Presentations of participants
Master year:
Block 1 – 3 days: Voice Dialogue and Creativity
Block 2 – 3 days: Voice Dialogue and systems; relationships, family, groups, organizations, world affairs.
Block 3 – 3 days: Psychopathology and burnout
Block 4 – 7 days: Towards the Archetypes on Crete
Block 5 – 3 days: Voice Dialogue Deepening
More information about the content of the various units can be read on the pages of the Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology Course (first year) and the Master Year.
Experienced coaches
The experienced trainers of the ITP, each with their own specialisation, intensely guide participants during the training course. At various moments, a trainer is available per four participants.
The training course has a so-called parallel learning system. Personal and professional development go hand in hand, which is why they should be regarded as inextricably linked. Learning therapy is integrated in the training course.
In your personal life:
- Increasing awareness of the current themes in your life.
- Increasing your ability to make clear decisions from an Aware Ego.
- Knowledge of and experience with your primary and rejected sub-personalities and how to transform these.
- Being able to more effectively protect your vulnerability without suppressing it.
- Coming into contact with your inner strength and being able to consciously use it.
- Coming into contact with your shady side and learning how to deal with it.
- Increasing your awareness of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies.
- Deepening by coming into contact with the subconscious, for instance through dreams, and recognising the subconscious as an ally.
In your professional life:
- Being able to apply the principles of Transformational Psychology in practice.
- Voice Dialogue: being able to work with sub-personalities, including vulnerability.
- Being able to use the Psychology of Selves as a diagnostic instrument.
- Increasing awareness of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies of your clients.
- Greater awareness of the energetic process, of yourself as a process guide as well as of your client.
- Greater awareness of the preferential style you have as a coach/trainer/therapist.
- Being able to make better use of yourself as an instrument in guiding clients.
- More awareness of transference and countertransference and being able to use them.
- Learning to better understand, recognise and employ the dynamics in relationships.
- Working with and from Awareness.
Starting dates of the next training course
On the page of the First Year you can find all dates of the first year of this training course. Dates for the second year you find on the page of the Master Year.
The Basic Year
paid privately € 4.997,-
paid by company/organization € 5.997,-
The Master Year
€ 5.785,- . Excluding the accommodation costs of block 4.
For more content-based information and the dates, we refer you to the pages of the Basic Year and the Master Year.
The course will be held at different locations. The blocks of the Basic Year take place in Bergen, The Netherlands. Accommodation costs are 57,50 euro per day including coffee, tea, lunch.
Four blocks of the Master Year take place in Bergen, The Netherlands. One block of the Masteryear takes place on Crete.
The weeklong training on Crete is residential and costs 995 euro for double occupancy and 1045 euro for a single room.
Payment terms
In accordance with article 3.2. of the ITP terms and conditions, one has to make a first instalment of 10% of the total costs for the training and accommodation with a minimum of € 400,-. One month before the start of the training the remaining amount of the total costs for the training and accommodation has to be transferred to the ITP bank account.
The invoice for the Master Year you will receive a month before start of the program.
Cancellation policy
In accordance with article 6.2 of the ITP terms and conditions one can cancel without costs up till two months before the start of the training. Up till one month before the start of the training 60% of the total costs for the training and accommodation will be charged.
Afterward the full amount will be charged.
Terms and conditions and the ITP code
The ITP terms and conditions, as well as the ITP code, apply to all of our trainings.
The training is in English and in subgroups people can work also in other languages.