What is Transformational Psychology

As of 1950 various schools were established that focus on the awareness and development of several aspects of our human nature, often excluding other aspects.

The most complete approach that can provide us experience and insight in the totality of our being is probably the developing Transformational Psychology (TP). This approach is a synthesis of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology and aims to integrate physical, emotional, mental as well as spiritual energies.

The physician W. Brugh Joy, who came up with the name Transformational Psychology in 1975, wrote the following about this:
“Access to broadened states of consciousness is the most important characteristic that distinguishes Transformational Psychology from other, more conventional approaches.”

Consciousness model
A major gateway to Transformational Psychology is the method developed by American psychologists Hal and Sidra Stone, Voice Dialogue, which is employed as the basic method in our programmes.

They believe that transformation can occur on three levels of consciousness: awareness, experiencing energy patterns (also called parts, subpersonalities, selves or voices) and the Aware Ego. Together this is known as the consciousness model.

In practice, transformation takes place when we are capable of accepting the tension between opposing energies in ourselves and honouring the various needs and desires of these energies.
When this transformation network results in integration and therefore balance and “becoming whole”, man can liberate himself from conditioning and become reconnected to his essence.

Other gateways
Other gateways / techniques we use in ITP to achieve transformation include working with:

  • Dreaming and daydreaming
  • Visualisation
  • Focusing
  • Chakras
  • Archetypes
  • Breathing
  • Drama techniques
  • Family systems
  • Body and energy work
  • Creative techniques and nature
  • Instinctive and demonic energies
  • Relationship work with, among others, relationship systems and bonding patterns