Developments at ITP in 2024


Here in Bergen North Holland, spring has finally broken through. There is more light and nature is blooming. I too am aware of things coming to life effortlessly. Dwelling on my 40th work anniversary gives me the opportunity to rediscover Voice Dialogue. In this newsletter more news about that.


Over the past few months I have been re-discovering the value of Voice Dialogue. Based on the work of Jung with influences from Gestalt, Psychosynthesis, Humanistic, Transpersonal psychology and Behavioral Therapy, Voice Dialogue was probably the first method where the different parts of the personality were addressed not only directly but also very extensively. This inspired later developed methods that also work with parts such as Schematherapy and Internal Family Systems. Now that new methods are booming, the question is justified whether Voice Dialogue still has a right to exist. What is the added value?

While delving into similarities and differences between the various approaches, I couldn’t help but do the same (again) with a neutral perspective on Voice Dialogue. Of course, this is not the place to expound on all the differences and similarities with other methods, so I will limit myself to the most important ones. A number of methods recognize that we are made up of multiple parts. Where, for example, IFS approaches the parts through the central position of the Self, with VD you make direct contact with the energy of your subpersonalities with the help of the facilitator. You thereby take the part 100% seriously and give it its own physical place in space, next to your Aware Ego. The effect of that direct addressing by the VD facilitator is that the energy of the addressed part manifests in the body and you experience its energy. Then it often happens that this energy changes during the session towards more wholeness. And therefor a lasting transformation occurs. Transformation of the subpersonalities, the Aware Ego and the Awareness.

This comparison made me realize that the essence of Voice Dialogue is awareness and experience of the subpersonalities. By simply engaging with them. And that works best when you allow yourself to be facilitated. So I had that done several times recently. I’ll give an example of my output. I did a session with my colleague Margreet Renkers, an experienced facilitator.


Since I have reached the pensionado age I try to work less. This is not always successful. The active and responsible parts have difficulty letting go and take on new work easily. In December and January I took a retreat to reflect on this process. In myself all kinds of things happened. And it was not inmediately clear what. I realized that I felt younger, with my attention turned inward. As in a period I had when I was still in high school. I wanted to explore this in the session.

In my session with Margreet I moved to the left and made contact with the younger version of myself, about 14 years old. Very strong, but little overview and decisiveness on life. Being totally absorbed during the facilitation, I was able to be aware of its energy: dreamy, fine, spiritual. This part did not need much, a room is enough. Because the problematic thing this part encountered in my life now is that he had no idea how to handle money, how to hold his own in the world. After about half an hour of exploring this part, the facilitator asked what this part needed. A father. The young part pointed to the other side of the room, to the right of the Aware Ego position.

I then moved on to the other side. There suddenly stood the father, powerful and bright. A grown man who could handle life. Different energy, complementary to the boy. Powerful and grounded. He did not worry about money, maintaining house and garden and any other issues. He indicated that he would take care of the boy. After the father spoke, we completed the session in the middle, the place of the Aware Ego.

Afterwards, I felt so much more balanced. Like I had been on one leg for a few months and now I could walk again. Before I felt more my vulnerability, now I could feel both strength and vulnerability. I could embrace both sides from the middle position.


And of course, I’ve known since day 1 that I came in contact with Voice Dialogue that its power is in the experience. But I’ve also noticed that as time goes on, it’s very easy to have less experience with sessions. Maybe because I convinced myself that I knew it by now, because I had already undergone so many sessions in my life. But very honestly, you can never do enough sessions. Life gives you enough fodder each time to develop more awareness. And the fresh perspective of a facilitator is really what does it for the experience to be so deep that lasting transformation is possible. After all you are facilitated where you are at that moment.

So my conclusion is that the experience of being in conversation with your subpersonalities together with a facilitator is the essence of Voice Dialogue. My tip to everyone is: keep doing it. And if you have little experience with it and you are seeking lasting transformation: learn Voice Dialogue and then keep doing it.


The above also aligns with the recommendations of the International Voice Dialogue Agreement (IVDA). This document is made by a number of experienced Voice Dialogue teachers from different countries, under the auspices of the founders Hal and Sidra Stone. Interesting to have a look through, see link. And for facilitators: if the principles described in this document appeal to you, you can register with us and we will put you on the IVDA list.

What ITP offers

ITP offers great training and there are three wonderful E-learnings available at It also provides a network where people can  seek each other out and facilitate each other.
In July we organize again the Voice Dialogue Summer Academy in Varese, Italy. There is already a wonderful international group of particpants and still a few places available. This is also the start of the new Hybrid year course, with fysical and online meetings.

For alumni
This brings me to my request to alumni: do you have any enthusiasm for a Voice Dialogue day where we can inspire and facilitate each other? To continue to benefit from the power of Voice Dialogue. We consider to organize that on November 1, 2024? I would love to hear from you!

With warm wishes,

Robert Stamboliev


2024 just started, the year that marks my 40th year in the business. For 40 years I have trained and guided thousands of people through their transformational processes. I look back on that with great pride. But I also look forward! Because even though I will not last another 40 years as a trainer, I have been looking for ways to keep my knowledge available for generations to come.

In the last two years I have set up an online platform for E-Learning, Coaching and Training where my compiled knowledge and experience has been bundled and put online. I also finished the new version of the book The Energetics of Voice Dialogue. The book has been completely rewritten, is three times the size of the first book and contains new case descriptions and more exercises to do-it-yourself.

On a personal note I decided to step back a bit from the training work and dedicate more time to research and development of new applications of Voice Dialogue. Later more news on that.

Robert Stamboliev


I have set up a platform, where my compiled knowledge and experience has been bundled and put online. Of course there is free content available, but I also created three wonderful e-learning programs: Principles, Deepening and Facilitation. To further develop personally, whether you already have knowledge of Voice Dialogue, or not. And because I have always been very internationally oriented, the e-learning courses are in English, so that people all over the world will be able to work with Voice Dialogue on their own inner transformations. If you register on this platform you will get updates of any new developments.
Especially for you, here is a discount code if you want to treat yourself to a personal development journey during 2024. Code: Welcome2024

And of course, you only learn the craft of Voice Dialogue facilitator by practicing it, with each other in training groups and under supervision. Through the e-learning programs, Voice Dialogue thinking can be experienced even more deeply in both the online and offline training programs.

Click here for 


A great example is the newest form of training: the hybrid year course. One part on location (the first and last weeks in beautiful and inspiring Italy during the Voice Dialogue Summer Academy). And one part online and, at your own pace, via the e-learning programs.


Of course, the established trainings are still available: the 3-day Voice Dialogue basic trainings, the yearlong training and the master year. I do this more and more often together with other trainers, all of whom were trained by me. This year Ozlem Sarioglu, Madeleine Matzer, Brigitte van Ardenne, Janine van Hees and Silvia van der Werve form the core team. See the Calendar.