Özlem Sarioglu, PCC

Özlem started her career as an international consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she also undertook an in-house coaching role. Later in 2007 she established her first coaching company Serendipity Coaching and in 2001 she became one of the founding partners of the first online coaching company in Turkey, namely insparkus.com.

Trained as a professional coach by different coaching schools, including more action-oriented écoles to Gestalt, she finally met Voice Dialogue as a transformational tool in 2007, which also played an important role in her career and personal transformation. She followed Voice Dialogue trainings of ITP for several years.

Currently, Özlem is working on a model to expand Voice Dialogue body of knowledge to larger systems, like teams, organizations and world affairs. She presented Voice Dialogue to coaches in ICF events around the world in three continents. She has also organized and instructed Voice Dialogue trainings in Turkey, together with ITP.

Having the ICF credential as an PCC, Özlem coaches professionals for individual growth and contribution to the organizational system from their unique potential. She focuses on creativity into action, paying utmost importance to the strengths and natural styles of the individuals.

“It was a special experience I had with myself. A special and gorgeous heart-full instructor. Thank you Özlem.”

Participant ICF  Turkey event.